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Steam Vent Silencers

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Release of steam to atmosphere creates noise which is dangerous to plant personnel and is environmentally unacceptable. 

The steam may be released from either low pressure (LP steam vent silencer) of high pressure (HP steam vent silencer) as part of boiler start up system, a bypass vent or a safety relief valve vent system.

In each case Flo-Dyne offer the most economical approach by optimizing silencer design to produce a guaranteed solution through selection of silencer pressure drop and flow velocities appropriate to the duty.

Flo-Dyne's steam vent silencer model type BOS can be supplied with an inlet diffuser built to pressure vessel standards that will let down the inlet pressure to atmospheric pressure.

Not all steam that is vented is dry, so where there is moisture carried in the steam flow Flo-Dyne can provide a separator element to remove the excess moisture and prevent this hot liquid from being exhausted out through the vent to fall as "hot rain" in the area surrounding the vent.

The pressure drop across the inlet diffuser is selected according to the duty of the silencer, we can examine the pressure losses through the pipework and recommend the most suitable silencer pressure drop for the vent duty.

If there is a significant length pipework between the venting valve and the silencer, the pressure drop across the venting valve may lead to high noise levels being radiated by the pipework. Flo-Dyne can advise on noise levels radiated by pipework in such cases, and make recommendations for mitigation.

[silencer being packed] Silencers may be packed or pack free diffuser only types, depending on the duty requirements. Where a packed silencer is needed the packing material will often be chosen from glass fibre, mineral or ceramic fibre as considered appropriate for the operating conditions.

The structural design of the Flo-Dyne Vent Silencer is given the same thorough attention as its acoustic design. The external shell is constructed of seamless pipe in smaller sizes and continuously welded rolled plate in larger diameter silencers. 

Silencers may be mounted horizontally or vertically, pads or cradle type supports are available for easy installation.

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Acoustic Filters, Bladder Tanks, Blower Silencers, Compressor Suction Silencers, Discharge Pulsation Dampener, Compressor Discharge Silencers, Pulsation Analysis, Suction Stabilisers, Compressor Surge Tanks, Vent Silencers And Industrial Silencers